Beyond Human: Fully Identified in the new Creation
This book from Justin Paul Abraham is a ‘must read’ for anyone who wants to discover what it means to live as a new creation. Justin shares from his personal experiences and full of humor what is available for us, as sons of God. It is not a new Gospel that he presents, but it is a rediscovering of ancient secrets that were available for centuries. Justin loves the stories of the saints of old and these support his arguments. These saints experience all kind of wonderful things in their lives, that’s why they are an example for us.
There is so much more available for the sons of God that are called the ‘Kainos’ sons throughout the whole book. Kainos is a Greek word that Paul uses to tell us what we are capable of doing as a new creation.
Justin, by his own words tells us:
Searching for a word to describe the miraculous change Christ worked in the heart of humanity, Paul used the Greek word “KAINOS” being. A word I have grown to love. Therefore, if any one is in UNION with Christ he is a NEW (“KAINOS”) being (2 Cor 5:17, TCNT).
“KAINOS” is a very revealing word, a word that will help you grasp the enormous wonder of the Gospel. It will give you a grid for where we are going next as a planet and as a species.
It’s almost too much to handle. This is the joy of the Gospel! The world has never seen anything like us. Not even Adam before the fall can compare to what we are becoming. Yes, this is a mystery! Yes, there is so much more to know! We must be brave and explore!
Justin Paul Abraham is a popular podcaster and an international speaker, known for his joyful teachings on the happy gospel, the mystic realms of God, and KAINOS new creation realities. He lives in the UK with his four kids Josh, Sam, Beth and Oliver, and his inspirational wife Rachel Abraham.