Soms kan de bediening van wonderen en tekenen een mysterie voor je zijn. Hoe komt het dat de ene keer je gebed wel en de andere keer je gebed niet verhoord wordt. Dr. Roger Sapp beschrijft in dit boek zijn persoonlijke ervaring hoe zijn bediening effectiever en meer voorspelbaarder werd toen de Heilige Geest hem inzicht gaf in de geestelijke waarheden. Deze openbaringen zijn in dit boek beschreven.
Subtitle: A Biblical Guide to Developing a Christ-Like Supernatural Ministry. Is healing and miracle ministry generally unreliable, unpredictable, and sometimes mysterious to you? What prevents you from healing the sick and performing miracles consistently like the Savior and His disciples? The author of this book reveals how his ministry of healing became much more effective, predictable and reliable as the Holy Spirit adjusted him with the scriptural truths that he reveals in this book. As the author has preached these truths in his traveling ministry for nearly two decades, tens of thousands have been healed as hundreds of believers have experienced the power of God working their first healing or miracle through them. More mature believers at these meetings have often developed a greater consistency in helping the suffering. There is no doubt that the readers of this book will be refreshed, adjusted, and strengthened in their faith in Christ. They will be more able to help many more suffering people and duplicate the Savior’s ministry.
Review: Performing Miracles and Healing is a comprehensive study of all the healing events in the New Testament. It tackles each event by doing a complete phrase by phrase discussion of what the New Testament records. It is organized into three groupings of chapters. The first covers each of the events in the New Testament where a multitude or a smaller group of people such as the Ten Lepers are being healed. The second grouping covers each of the healings or miracles involving an individual such as the woman with the issue of blood or the Centurion’s servant. The third grouping of chapters deals with the implications of the truths found in those healings to healing theology. Noteworthy in this book is the author’s references to the various places where the actions, attitudes and words of Christ and His disciples contradict commonly accepted ideas about healing. Beyond the comprehensive nature of thi
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